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Samurai Jay

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 10.29.32 AM.png
Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 10.29.47 AM.png


1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create this project in Adobe illustrator. Use complete sentences.​ Try to recall as many of the different tools, shapes, and keyboard commands as possible. 

I first began by grabbing ideas out of my childhood cartoons. I finally came down to a cartoon called "Samurai Jack". I used an image off google to use as an inspiration. I began by going on illustrator and creating the head and base by using the shape builder tool. I used the selection tool to use the widget to change the edges of my shapes or objects. For more detailed objects like my vans I used the pen tool and curvature pen tool. These helped me make smaller line for the stitches, laces, and the logo of the shoe. Since I made my animation off a cartoon I decided to leave the stroke on just like the original cartoon. I made sure to group all my layers together to make sure nothing messes up or goes missing. I exported all my art boards and made it into a GIF and PNG.

2. What was the most challenging part of creating your Avatar?

I believe the part I struggled most at was when I duplicated the art boards and animated. Every time I checked the animation it would come out buggy or in just different frames. I had to make sure to move each limp closely and carefully to make it looks a lot smoother.

3. What ways did you move the arms and legs to create movement? Did your Avatar move like you wanted it to? 

I created movement by I used different limbs and the puppet warp to change the position of my limbs. 

4. Are there any improvements you would make next time? Why or why not?

I would make sure to focus more on the limbs and face. This is because when I used the puppet warp tool it would stretch my face or body.

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