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Lighting Patterns

Front Lighting


Top Lighting


Side(Split) Lighting


Diffused Lighting


Back(Rim) Lighting


Direct Lighting


Final Project











Conclusion Questions:


1.What are your overall strengths of your project?

I believe the overall strengths in my photos are my editing. I believe I gave each photo a different feel and emotion. Each one is unique and can tell a different story just from looking at it.

​2. What improvements could be made? 

Although my editing helped I do believe I can improve on the lighting of the photos. Some photos in particular have too little or too much light in the photos giving it less of an professional look.

​ 3. What did you learn about lighting patterns?

I learned that every angle counts for lighting. Each angle can give the viewer a different emotion or mood from the same object in the same position.

4. How did photographing an egg prepare you for photographing a classmate?

It helped me understand the basics and fundamentals of lighting and angles. It prepared me for the final photography.

5. In what ways, were the two labs similar and what ways did the experiences differ?

Both of them used the same techniques, save for a few. The differences were that some techniques could only be done with a human face such as Rembrandt, Loop, and Butterfly.

6.Why is lighting important for a photographer to understand?  

Lighting is an important thing to know as a photographer because it sets the feel and mood for your photo. You must know what angle you wanna use by the mood or setting you want for your photo.

7. How will you incorporate lighting in your photography in the future?

I can use these lightings for not only photos but videos as well. If I wanna set a darker or scarier tone to a photo or film I might use split or rim which makes it darker on the face or even makes it barely visible.

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