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Movie Poster copy.jpg


1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create your Silent Film in Adobe Premiere Rush. Use complete sentences.​ Try to recall as many of the different tools and processes as possible. 

First we began by sketching our ideas of the movie in a storyboard. Once we finished we began to start filming the movie. We all had a clear idea of how we wanted the film so it was very easy for us to cooperate. We finished all the scenes and put the sd card into the macbook to start editing the film. We used youtube to add the sounds into premiere pro to make sound effects and background music. We also used text to the film to make the title intro and ending scene. While we were finishing up the film, we made the movie poster. I started by taking photos of all of us in the movie. Then I added all of them to photoshop. We edited them by fading and cutting out each individual to our liking. Once we finished we posted the video to youtube and put in our wix with our poster.

2. What was the easiest part of the process of making a silent film? What was the most difficult part? How did you overcome it?

The easiest part was coming up with ideas in our storyboard. We all had creative ideas that set us up in the right track. The hardest part was actually making the scenes of our movies. We realized we had no acting skills which gave us a hard time during our film.

3. What was the experience of working with a group like? Did everyone carry their own weight and contribute equally to the production process? Why or why not? 

I believe everyone carried their own weight. The 2 who were not doing the editing on the poster and film were the main characters in the movie and had the most screen time. While the ones who weren't in the film much or even at all did all the editing to the movie and poster.

4. Based on the learning target, "Understand the component steps and skills required to design, edit, and produce a Silent Film by producing a storyboard, script, audio and video clips that use characterization, style, and related elements for specific aesthetic purposes ". What level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding) Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

 I believe we exceeded expectations and went above and beyond with our project. We not only went above and beyond with the film but in the editing aspect as well making sure the film and poster were very detailed and organized to our liking.

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